Laura over at Heavenly Homemakers is hosting a fall giveaway carnival this week. I am so excited as I have lots of stuff to giveaway, but haven’t had time to write up the posts. So, her carnival was just the motivation I needed to get it in gear and start the giveaways.
For the next 5 days I will host a giveaway each day! The prizes are varied, and there will be something for everyone. Check back each day for the newest giveaway and be entered to win. I am sure you won’t be disappointed.
Today’s giveaway is a really great book titled Real Moms…Real Jesus. I was given this book to read and I was immediately drawn to the title.
Jill Savage, the author, takes events from Jesus’ life and relates them to our lives as mothers. Her words are encouraging and the book is filled with references to scripture. The fact that Jill has five kids of her own gives her just a little credibility on the subject of motherhood. 🙂 Her writing style makes you feel like a friend has come along side to encourage you.
This book is divided into small easy to read sections that fits perfectly with a busy mom’s schedule. I found myself picking it up throughout the day and reading a page or two for encouragement.
I am so excited the publishing company has given me 3 copies of this book to giveaway! I wish I could give one to everyone, but if you don’t win you could add it to your Christmas list.
Entering is simple, just leave me a comment. You can earn additional entries by tweeting or posting this giveaway on your Facebook page. Make sure you include a link to this post so other people can participate. Leave a comment for each additional entry. Contest ends one week from today, October 12, 2009.
Don’t forget to enter Tuesday’s giveaway, a free will kit from LegalZoom.