January 2011 update: This program is still running. Please read the Coupons for Troops FAQ page for more information.
Just a quick note, if you have emailed about sending coupons and I have not responded to your email, please resend your email. When my computer crashed I lost emails so I know many of you who tried to contact me did not get a response.
The contact email has changed to couponsfortroops (at) gmail (dot) com.
This program is run by me and only me and when I started it 18 months ago I never expected to get such a wonderful and overwhelming response. I am doing my best to keep up with all the wonderful couponers here in the states who have offered to donate their coupons and all the military families sacrificing for our freedom overseas. Please know I am working hard to match up families and help our overseas military keep a little more of their hard earned paycheck.