TV Turnoff Week

Did you know April 20-26th is TV Turnoff Week? In our house we celebrate TV turnoff 365 days a year, but for many families this week is an opportunity to shut off the television and do something other than watch the screen.

Some fast television facts:

  • Number of 30-second commercials seen in a year by an average child: 20,000
  • Number of minutes per week that parents spend in meaningful conversation with their children: 38.5
  • Number of minutes per week that the average child watches television: 1,680
  • Percentage of children ages 6-17 who have TV’s in their bedrooms: 50
  • Percentage of day care centers that use TV during a typical day: 70
  • Hours per year the average American youth spends in school: 900 hours
  • Hours per year the average American youth watches television: 1500
  • Percentage of Americans that regularly watch television while eating dinner: 66


When we decided to stop watching television several years ago it was an easy choice. We didn’t like the fact that our kids were being bombarded by commercials promoting sugary cereals, fast food, or cheapo made in China toys. We also didn’t like that fact that even if we were watching a “good” show inevitably a preview for an upcoming show (one that we would never allow our children to watch) could be seen during the commercial breaks. Not to mention it became harder and harder to find “good” shows. We decided to make our job as parents much easier and just quit watching television altogether.

To be honest, we still own a television. It is a twenty year old 19 inch dinosaur that serves us well for the occasional movie or educational video. We still enjoy family movie night once in a while and when our kids are sick sometimes they watch movies to pass the time.

Usually we are so busy we don’t have time for television. When the weather is nice I would much rather be outside (and let my very active boys run off their energy) than sit in front of the television. On dreary days I prefer books, games, crafts, and audio books. These types of activities encourage creativity and force my kids to interact with each other. It is easy to get along when everyone is looking in the same direction (at the television). It is much harder to get along when you are constantly interacting and being forced to share, cooperate, and talk. I want my children to be able to get along and play together, not be able to watch a movie together, that is easy.

So what is your opinion on television, love it, hate it, own it, live without it? Movies, cable, commercials? Are you willing to shut off your television for one week? Feel free to leave your opinion in the comment section, just keep it friendly and non-judgmental. What works for your family might not work for another.

Don’t know what to do without the television? Enter to win a P.E.P. kit filled with fun activities for your kids!

I can’t wait to hear what you think!


This post is linking to Real Life , Talk about Tuesday, and Tackle it Tuesday.

Cora and Kit ~ Sixteen Days Old

Time for another Cora and Kit photo. I can’t believe how much Cora has grown in the past week. She is also spending more time awake. Today she tried to grab Kit’s hair. Well – maybe she wasn’t trying to actually grab her hair, but she was reaching for something….

Cora and Kit ~ April 18, 2009 ~ Sixteen Days Old

Cora and Kit ~ Nine Days (last week’s photo)


You Can Reach Me By Email

My husband told me the other day I was a hard person to get a hold of… really? I thought we lived in the same house. I told him to send me an email… and make the title catchy so I would read it.

This appeared in my inbox this morning…


Now that I have your attention…

I’d like the take the top six here after church – I promise to get
pictures…What do you think,  can you handle the break?

I love you.


Smart guy, huh… not only does he use flattery, he also offers to take pictures of the proposed event…. a man after a blogger’s heart. <3


Trip to Quiet Waters Park

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and visit one of our local parks. Today we visited  Quiet Waters Park, in Annapolis, Maryland. This park is beautiful with miles of biking/ jogging trails, lots of open fields, a few small playgrounds, one large playground, as well as boat rentals in the summer and a museum.

There is a fee to enter the park in a car, but admission is free for military and dependents.

Here are a few pictures of our afternoon.

Sculpture Gardens

Isn’t it funny how you can take a kid to a park and all they want to do is run up and down the stairs?

A small pond with ducks and turtles, I wonder if you are allowed to feed them?

Winding roads

Excited about something…

Loving the park…. Sleeping like a baby 🙂

Lots of space to throw the Frisbee.

We will return soon.



Cora’s Birth Story ~ Part Two

This weekend I started to type a detailed post regarding Cora and my time in the hospital. The more I typed the more I realized I was only putting words on the screen. These words couldn’t capture the dept of emotion that characterized those days, trying to write them is a task I cannot undertake.

A friend delivered dinner tonight and saw Cora for the first time out of the NICU. He told us never to forget where she came from, how God healed her and me, and sustained us through that time.

He was right. I want to remember those first days, but not the details. I want to remember all the people who prayed for her, all the nurses who cared for her, all the doctors that made decisions about her care. I am thankful for everyone who touched our lives during our short time at the hospital.

I am thankful that Cora only needed “a little help.” As I sat with her in the NICU I was surrounded by babies much sicker than her. I wondered if anyone was praying for them, I wondered if they would ever go home.

Even though those days were overwhelming and I shed a lot of tears, I was more overwhelmed at the outpouring of kindness and support I received, from the lady who cleaned my hospital room, to a former pastor, to people I have never met.

As I type, Cora lays beside me, looking around the room, her tiny hands grasping for things unseen. She will never remember her traumatic beginnings and for that I am thankful. But I will never let her forget where she came from and who sustained her.

So there will not be a detailed part two, the memories of details have already begun to fade.

Her story is just beginning….

Our Time with Grandma

Most of you know my mom came and stayed with us for four weeks while I was on bed rest and then after Cora was born. Thankfully she brought her camera and took lots of pictures of the kids. Most of these memories I missed because I was either upstairs in bed or at the hospital. It was fun seeing her photos, and it looks like the kids had lots of fun too!


You can find more Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom.

Cora Update

Cora had another weight check-up yesterday and I am excited to tell you that she is gaining weight. She has passed her birth weight and now weighs a whopping 5 pounds 7 ounces.

She is spending a little more time awake and we are seeing glimpses of her personality.

One small prayer request is that she has developed a slight cold. The doctor said her lungs sounded good so we are basically just dealing with congestion. Last night she had a hard time sleeping, but she seems to be doing better this morning.

My mom left on Saturday, so we are trying to survive without her. She was a huge help during her four week stay and the kids miss her so much!

Friends from church are bringing meals which has been nice since I am still not feeling 100% although I am feeling much better. The other night we received a lasagna that was as big as Cora, yum!

I’ve slacked off on pictures the past few days, but I hope to start taking more soon.

Hanging out visiting Cora.

Talking to big brother.

Trying to capture a smile.


Thankful for Your Prayers

Eleven days ago baby Cora entered this world. Her birth was traumatic and she ended up spending five days in the NICU. After she was born my husband and I knew the situation was more than we could handle on our own. We struggled with not wanting to alarm people about Cora’s condition, but at the same time we knew we wanted as many people praying for our little girl as possible.

My friend Joy put up a post on my blog. My mother emailed her church back home. Our bible study leader sent out an email to our church here, and our old church in West Virginia was notified as well. My sister-in-law told her bible study, and our daughter sent out a message via my twitter account.

Within hours, hundreds if not thousands of people were praying for our little Cora. Here are some of the tweets from her “birth” day.

HappyHousewife: Need prayer for baby Cora. Having hard time breathing. In NICU. From The Happy Housewife’s daughter.
apryll_lopez: @HappyHousewife baby Cora and your family are in my prayers. Let us know how she’s doing.
heartandhome: @HappyHousewife Praying for that little one and all of you!
mom2giqm: RT @HappyHousewife Need prayer for baby Cora. Having hard time breathing. In NICU. From The Happy Housewife’s daughter. (We’re praying!)
LookNoHands: @HappyHousewife You and baby Cora are in my thoughts and prayers!
fivejs: @HappyHousewife Praying for both Cora and Toni!
aikoheiwa: @HappyHousewife: Prayers for you and your family!
rebelmomma: Please everyone stop & say a prayer for @HappyHousewife & baby Cora who is in NICU & needs our prayers. Never met them but pray 4 them plz.
jessicablizzard: @happyhousewife in my prayers! My baby was born at 37 weeks and had those probs too. 🙂
joellem: @HappyHousewife Praying for you all! We prayed for you at the ministry where I work at our morning worship.
RobinPreg: @HappyHousewife Prayers for Cora and fam! Don’t forget to get a good breastpump & pump for Cora. Ask an LC for help. *hugs* to you all. #fb
Luvdamall: RT @HappyHousewife Need prayer for baby Cora. Having hard time breathing. In NICU. From The Happy Housewifes daughter.
Luvdamall: Many prayers go out to @HappyHousewife, baby Cora, and family.
CombsKitchen: @HappyHousewife Will be praying for baby Cora. Thank you for taking the time to update us.
NancysBlessings: @HappyHousewife I’ll be praying for Cora!
multitaskingme: RT @LuvDaMall: Many prayers go out to @HappyHousewife, baby Cora, and family.
MrsCPA: @happyhousewife Congrats and Prayers to you and your family.
MissMaryBeth: @HappyHousewife will keep mother and baby in my prayers. God Bless
fivejs: RT @HappyHousewife: Need prayer for baby Cora. Having hard time breathing. In NICU. From The Happy Housewife’s daughter.
twincident: RT @fivejsRT @HappyHousewife: Need prayer for baby Cora. Having hard time breathing. In NICU. From The Happy Housewife’s daughter.
fivejs: @twincident Not her, but I’ve talked to the Happy Husband who was in the room with @HappyHousewife. Baby details here:
rockcandytv: RT @fivejsRT @HappyHousewife: Need prayer for baby Cora. Having hard time breathing. In NICU. From The Happy Housewife’s daughter.
onceamonthmom: @HappyHousewife will be praying for you and Cora!
MomZombie: @HappyHousewife Prayers sent baby Cora’s way.
allhisblessings: @HappyHousewife Praying for Baby Cora!
HomeBizLiz: Any more info from @HappyHousewife???
ASimpleWalk: RT @MomsToolbox Asking you to pray with me for my newest niece, my brother and my sister-in-law (@HappyHousewife) Thx.
PurplePrairie: RT @ASimpleWalkRT @MomsToolbox Plz pray w/me for my newest niece, my brother & my sister-in-law (@HappyHousewife) Thx.
HappyHousewife: Thanks to everyone who RT’d and prayed for Toni and Cora. They’re both looking a lot better. Cora is still in NICU…

Most of the people who read my blog and my tweets have never met me in person. They only know me from what I write and allow published on this blog. The fact that so many people, especially those who don’t know me, were willing to take even a few moments out of their day to pray for our baby overwhelmed my husband and I. During my entire (and long!) hospital stay I was continually amazed at those who emailed, left comments, twittered, left messages on my facebook page, and called me to let me know they were praying.

Each time we would call or visit the NICU and receive more good news regarding Cora, I couldn’t help but think of everyone who was praying for her.

We are so thankful for everyone who has prayed for our family over the last few weeks. Even though our time in the hospital was difficult, your prayers sustained us. And for that I am truly grateful.


For more Gratituesday visit Heavenly Homemakers.

Cora and Kit ~ Nine Days Old

People keep telling me how quickly Cora will grow, I know~ I have a fourteen year old who stands a few inches taller than me. It seems like yesterday I brought her home from the hospital and now she is borrowing my clothes!

So, in order to remember Miss Cora’s tiny beginnings, each week she will have her picture taken with Kit, The American Girl doll. Why Kit? When I told my oldest how long Cora was she told me Cora was smaller than Kit, so I thought it would be appropriate to use Kit as our constant in the pictures.

April 11, 2009 ~ 9 Days Old

Cora was not thrilled about this photo-op as she was ready to eat, hopefully next week she will be a happier baby.