Bye Bye BiliBlanket ~ Cora Update

Cora continues to improve each day. Feeding her is a struggle because she is a very sleepy baby but she did gain 2 ounces so she now weighs 5 pounds. Still not up to her birth weight, but we go back on Monday for another weigh in. The good news is her bilirubin levels dropped and we were able to take her off the biliblanket!

This is awesome because it means we actually get to hold her and she is not attached to anything! I never thought that would be a big deal, but it really is.

She had her first bath on Wednesday night. I decided she needed to have all the remnants of the tape and bandages from the NICU removed and they were pretty sticky. She didn’t love her sponge bath, but she didn’t hate it either. She really loved being wrapped in a warm towel once it was over.

One of my readers was kind enough to send me her daughter’s outgrown preemie clothes, which was a total blessing. Cora has been getting tangled up in all the newborn stuff and I was worried she could hurt herself (not sure how, but I am a mom, I worry) wearing her current wardrobe.

Here are a some pictures from the past few days.

Last moments on the biliblanket.


Nice and alert after her bath (I don’t know why I wasn’t smiling, I really was in a good mood).

Loving the warm towel.

Snug as a bug ~ Dad is the best swaddler in the world!

For those of you who read my blog for all the tips and advice, don’t worry I’ll be writing about other stuff soon. Amazingly there are people who know me in real life who still chose to read my ramblings so this is an easy way to keep everyone updated on our sweet Cora. Until then, please enjoy the great guest posts from some of my readers.
