Here are a few items I wanted to pass on from this week.
Don’t forget move your clocks an hour ahead tonight. Whoever invented Daylight Savings Time obviously did not have children. This hilarious post written by a friend of mine pretty much sums up how I feel about this twice a year event.
Have you signed up for Swagbucks? Since posting about this a few weeks ago, I have earned almost 200 Swagbucks that can be traded in for gift cards, music, dvds, and other great stuff. I know that Carrie bought all of her Christmas presents last year using Swagbucks. Swagbucks are earned by searching the web, isn’t that easy? They even have a toolbar you can download to make searching via Swagbucks easier. There is also no spam involved. Since signing up I don’t think I have received a single email from them trying to sell me something or promote a product.
Claire over at Choyster Cash if running a free coupon course. If you are new to couponing this might be something worth looking into.
I saw this Depression Era cooking video over at Mom Advice and I am hooked. It is a great perspective on how things use to be, and will probably make you appreciate what you have. Her cooking tips aren’t bad either!
Dawn has some great tips for attending blogging conferences. I attended my first conference, Blissdom ’09, last month. I learned a lot and had a great time. If you think a blogging conference is in your future I would definitely read her post.
Are you gardening this year? I hope to start my square foot garden soon, if things ever settle down around here. I found this great post about making pots for your seedlings out of newspaper! I can’t believe what a great, free, and eco friendly idea is.
Finally, do you Twitter? If not you really should. Twitter is a great way to find deals, keep in touch with friends (real life and bloggy) and to stay connected in the blog world. Many times I will tweet about a deal on Twitter that I do not blog about. I also tweet personal updates throughout the day. So if you just can’t get enough of The Happy Housewife follow me on Twitter.