Meeting Friends Old and New

This Thursday I will board an airplane alone, headed to Nashville. It is not very often that I board an airplane without a car seat and a diaper bag. This weekend I am attending BlissDom, which for those of you who have not already heard is a blogging conference.

I am so thankful I have the opportunity to attend this conference. My husband and oldest have offered to take charge of things around here for a few days so I can meet other bloggers and learn more about this whole blogging thing I have grown to love.

And, I am extremely excited and thankful that I will be meeting Joy and Kate for the very first time! Joy and I started reading each others’ blogs about 11 months ago, and then I met Kate via Joy. In June we launched Happy to be at Home which was a spin off of our 3 Moms Kitchen series. Over the months we have chatted, emailed, and talked on the phone, a lot, but have never met in person.

From our initial phone conversations we joked about meeting up one day, but I am not sure if any of us thought it would really happen. Now we are only 3 days away from our first meeting!

A few years ago I would have laughed to think you could actually make real life friends from blogging! I am so thankful for my friendship with these two women I have never officially met. They are always an encouragement to me! It seems as if we have known one another for years, sharing ups and downs, triumphs and failures.

I now realize that this is probably the first of many more meetings we will have over the years. BlissDom here we come!


For more Gratituesday visit Heavenly Homemakers.