Today is my 1 year blogaversary. I can hardly believe it! In some ways it seems like I have been blogging for years and in others I feel like I am still a newbie. So in celebration of this monumentous occasion (ha ha!) here are thirteen random blog tidbits about me.
- This is not my first blog. I had a blog almost three years ago during my husband’s deployment. It was very different from this blog as I used it mainly as a way to keep him updated on our family.
- My site didn’t always look so fun! In the beginning my site looked sort of like this…
- My first blog post was short and sweet. It went something like this
After a year break, I have decided to blog again. I have left my old blog behind and am starting with a new look. I have nothing against my old blog, I am just ready for something different. My last blog was more of a diary. I hope for this blog to be less personal and more practical.
Happy reading and thanks for stopping by.
- The Happy Housewife was not my first choice for a blog title. I can’t remember what my first choice was, but THH was probably choice #58…. In real life I am pretty grouchy :). Kidding….just kidding…
- My first real comment (that I could find) was from Barbara Lee. She was probably one of my first regular readers as well.
- I have written 696 posts (not counting this one). Can someone say “Get off the Computer!”
- Seriously though, what did I do before I started blogging? I don’t really remember, I still read, sew, cook, and homeschool so I am not quite sure what I gave up to make time for this…
- I have never received a nasty comment! Can you believe it, I can’t?
- I have received 6,206 nice, intelligent and thoughtful comments. My readers are the best!
- My most popular post, not sure… Boys and Books received the most comments.
- Since starting this blog I have been introduced to an entire new vocabulary; twitter, stumble, digg, delicious, Mr. Linky, memes, I could go on and on.
- In June I launched another blog, Happy to be at Home with two of my bloggy buddies, Kate and Joy. Contrary to popular belief we are not related to one another and we have never actually met!
- I really, really, really appreciate my readers. I know I don’t respond to every comment (I try!) but I do read every one. I have met so many other wonderful bloggers and nonbloggers this year and have learned so much from this experience. I wouldn’t blog if it wasn’t fun, so thanks for keeping it enjoyable!
For more Thursday Thirteen visit Happy to be at Home.