I am on vacation, but thought it would be fun to have a little Q & A with my readers.
My first question comes from long time reader Lawanda:
“How’d you talk your dh into having so many kids? Mine won’t budge! LOL”
Well Lawanda, you might be better off to ask my husband how he convinced me to have so many kids! In the beginning I wanted one maybe two, but probably just one. Over time my heart changed and I now see children as a blessing rather than a burden.
It is not my goal to try and convince people that six kids are better than two, or that everyone should have a million kids. I do know that having a big family is fun and not as expensive as most people think. Kids are as expensive as you let them be.
I don’t think having a big family makes you a better mother or a better Christian for that matter. It saddens me though, that when it comes to the question of family size, too often it is a question of finances rather than faith.
I could say more about this subject, but I feel it has been addressed over and over, by many people more qualified than me. I do think Octamom has written a great post titled, “Is Eight Enough?” She sums up most of my feelings on the subject in her post, so she can have the last word on this one.
Feel free to discuss family size in the comments section, but keep it friendly.