Had a Moment

This probably does not happen to first time moms, but someone with lots of kids please tell me this is common. This week I had one of those light bulb, oh we are going to have a baby moments. With less than 12 weeks left we have done nothing, nada, zilch, zip, to prepare for the baby. No name, no baby items pulled from storage, we aren’t even sure where she is going to sleep. I still haven’t registered at the hospital and haven’t made the cloth vs disposable diaper decision. Oh, and we don’t have a vehicle that will fit our entire family once the baby is born.

This week I started thinking, perhaps we should do something! It isn’t that we aren’t excited about our newest addition, we are, but life is busy around here. Aside from some very annoying leg cramps I usually forget I am pregnant until someone else reminds me or asks how I am feeling.

Lists are a favorite of mine, so perhaps making a baby “to do” list would help? The first item on the list can be name the baby. Do you all want to help with this one? We are truly stumped for a name this time around and I wouldn’t mind hearing your suggestions.

A few guidelines for those who want to contribute; we have a common last name so we like names that are a little uncommon, but not made up. Although we are not opposed to a great common name either, we are running out of choices. The name has to mean something, and of course we have to like it! The last one will be the toughest as my husband can figure out a way to make fun of any name. If you are related to me you can leave your suggestions too, just don’t get upset if we don’t use them.


Afterthought: Do not suggest the following names as they have already been suggested by my children:

  • Tinker Bell
  • Science
  • Lysol

2009 Goals ~ January Update

How is everyone progressing with their 2009 goals? I am sure by now there are some goals that need tweaking, others that need to be eliminated and a few that can be crossed off! This month was less productive for me since we spent most of it on vacation. The baby is coming in less than 3 months so I need to get moving on some of these goals if I want to accomplish them!

Here is my updated list for 2009.

Books to Read

Family Goals

  • Family Bible time 5 nights a week – Getting there, about 4 times a week.
  • Family game night once a week
  • Exercise more as a family – ha! not a chance in 20 degree weather!
  • Family read alouds

Financial Goals

  • Purchase 15 passenger van (cash) by April 2009 – saving like crazy!
  • Fund IRA
  • Braces for child #3 half-way funded by end of the year
  • Cut grocery budget by $50 a month – scratch Jan- spent half the month on vacation
  • Live on half our income/ save or invest other half
  • Save for short term goals: vacations, homeschool materials, gifts
  • Start commission system for the kids
  • All extra money goes into house fund

Homeschool Goals

  • Restructure Bible time revamped high school, still need to work with the younger kids
  • More read alouds/ less silent reading
  • Research curriculum changes for 2009/2010 school year
  • Homeschool – Preschool with 4 yo three days a week doing school almost every day w/ her
  • Once a month library trips w/ kids
  • Create system for organizing past and future books

Homemaking Goals

  • Follow Motivated Moms Planner doing well so far click here to win one for yourself!
  • 30 meals in the freezer by April 15th
  • Create bi-monthly meal plans and shopping trips created 30 days of meals
  • Organize Clothing Bins
  • Paint/ refinish pantry cabinet
  • Involve the kids in meal planning/ prep
  • Incorporate more whole foods/ purchase less prepackaged foods in meals hot breakfasts in Feb!
  • Plant container garden
  • Enter all addresses into the computer
  • Try two new recipes a month
  • Room by room de-clutter and clean-out (one room a month should take me to 2010) Kitchen almost done

Personal Goals

  • Return to pre-baby weight by August 2009
  • Learn to knit
  • Make most of 4 yos summer clothing
  • Make cloth diapers
  • Make baby sling
  • Finish 3 aprons
  • Go to bed 1/2 hour earlier and get up 1/2 hour earlier getting up earlier but not by choice! I think I have pregnancy insomnia!
  • Take vitamins every day check!
  • Have all Christmas shopping finished before Thanksgiving

Places to Visit

  • Florida had a great trip, scroll through my blog for lots of pictures!
  • Williamsburg
  • Blissdom leaving in 6 days!
  • HEAV Convention registered!
  • West Virginia going in a few weeks!
  • Outer Banks

Spiritual Goals

  • Read through One Year Bible working on it
  • Increase time in prayer
  • Faithfully keep a journal haven’t started this yet 🙁
  • Make attendance a priority at church functions if we can keep the kids healthy!
  • Reach out to those who are different from me at church

Please link up your 2009 Goals progress! I would love to see how everyone is doing!


The fine print. Make sure you link to your goal post, not your home page so everyone can find your goals easily. Link back to this site so others can join in. Try and visit some other participants and encourage them in their goals! If you don’t have a blog leave your goals in the comment section.
For more goal accountability visit Biblical Womanhood.

How Does Your Husband Help While He’s Away

How Does Your Husband Help While He’s Away?

Jolyn and her Air Force husband have been married for 14 years and have three children. They have so far navigated nine major moves, one deployment and countless TDYs.* She blogs over at “A Military Family Blog (a life like any other)” about the kids (of course), household projects, financial issues, traveling and cultural observations … and whatever else happens to catch her fancy. She loves to visit The Happy Housewife for inspiration in frugality and fruitful living, as well as practical tips for feeding my family healthier meals.
*TDY stands for Temporary Duty: military speak for business trip.

Early in our young marriage my husband was away on TDY (again) over my birthday. I can’t recall if we talked that day or not (this was well before the internet was everywhere) but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he called to at least wish me a happy birthday. But when he returned I asked him why he never got me anything, even just a card, while he was gone. He replied that since he couldn’t be around for the actual day he hadn’t seen the point. That went over well.

Since that time John and I have honed the art of coping with frequent separations as though they were second nature. Sort of. Unless, you know, it’s a short-notice trip timed for the day the movers come and you’re seven months pregnant with your third child and just landed in a foreign country. Just to, you know, throw something out there.

Something’s always going to throw you for a loop, but in general we each know our roles: he maintains the cars and works on procrastinated chores from the honey-do list and acknowledges birthdays while he’s gone; I add things to the honey-do list as quickly as he can scratch them off and basically run around like a crazy woman until the moment he leaves when I finally sigh and lean back and make the kids macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets for four days straight while I smugly munch on my solitary bowl of salad until even I can’t stand it anymore.

Separations can be hard, whether you’re military or not. They can be especially hard if you married someone whose job frequently takes them away and you didn’t exactly understand that was part of the package deal. In my case, when I got married I was military, too. I knew the deal. However, it’s one thing to be the one going away – and quite another to be the one left behind.

Let’s just say that even if you didn’t exactly know what you were getting yourself into when you married your frequent flyer husband, you’ve since come to terms with it and pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps, so to speak. What sorts of things help you to cope while your spouse is away? What sorts of things does he do to help?

So far as I see it the challenges boil down into two main issues: communication and finances
— and communication about finances. Problems with these are cited as the main cause for marital discord even in relationships that don’t face the challenges of frequent separations. How much harder is it, especially for a young, newly married couple, when your relationship is tested — and assumptions brought to light — over long distance?

I knew a lovely young woman at our last base whose husband was getting ready to go on a special TDY. It was some high-security mystery business that offered a premium Per Diem — that amount service members get paid to cover daily expenses while they’re traveling. In this case, it was such an exceptional amount that there was no way her husband was going to use even half of it, and depending on how long he ended up being away (that was also a secret) they stood to rack up some serious savings. She was already dreaming about a down payment for a home.

The next time I saw her I could tell that things hadn’t gone exactly as she had assumed they would. The per diem rate was as great as her husband had told her it would be, but he had also spent a greater part of it on his daily expenses, mainly by ordering room service to his hotel. She was obviously very disappointed, but she just shrugged it off. It was probably very difficult for him there, she reasoned.

Listening to her story reminded me of how difficult it can be to be on the same sheet of music as your spouse when you really haven’t been sharing lives together all that long and you’re a thousand miles apart when you discover that you’re not even playing the same song. And though I did not share this story with this young woman, I was reminded of the first time my husband had a prolonged TDY very early in our marriage (again, well before the internet) and he was complaining to me about how sick everyone was of eating fast food all the time and how it was messing up their digestive systems and such. (Only his vocabulary was much more colorful.)

Well, I thought that was just about the silliest thing I had ever heard. “Don’t you have a mini fridge in your room?”

“Um, yea.”

“So why don’t you get a loaf of bread and some lunchmeat and cheese and make yourself some sandwiches? Better for you and you’ll save a bunch of money!” I’m pretty certain I outlined to him exactly how much, too, with nothing but love in my tone I’m sure. At least I didn’t have any grand notions of starting a down payment for a house.

The idea of going to a grocery store had seriously never occurred to him, nor to his roommate, nor to all the other knuckleheads he was hanging out with. Some time later we talked again, the night before he was scheduled to leave.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Oh, I’m just sitting here trying to eat a dozen sandwiches and a bunch of other stuff that I got at the store last night.” Yes, two days before he was scheduled to finish a four-month (or was it six?) TDY he decided to take my advice. It was a good thing he was so cute and we were so in love and he was a thousand miles away or I might have had to bop him one on the head.

It really is a misnomer that you can make money on a TDY.
If you are very frugal you can come out ahead, but probably just enough to make up for the extra expenses that appear out of nowhere, like the pizzas you ordered out with the kids as special treats while dad’s away, or the car repair you had to pay a shop for because your “mechanic” wasn’t available. And the car will need work while your husband’s gone, it’s a guarantee. If you happen to be mechanically inclined yourself, God bless you.

But I am very grateful that my husband does try to cut corners where he can when he’s away, which mainly means that he limits his eating out as much as possible or limits his alcohol intake when he does. Not a small thing — I have a friend whose husband regularly eats in steak restaurants and consumes indiscriminate amounts of alcohol on his TDYs while she’s at home dining on PB&Js with the kids. She shrugs and says she’s given up trying to talk to him about it and simply plans accordingly.

When scheduling his hotel accommodations, my husband has learned to try to reserve rooms with a mini fridge and even a microwave when possible, and he has learned to make sandwiches. I appreciate this tremendously. These are such little things, but they show that we are now on the same sheet of music. We are singing the same lyrics. Granted, sometimes we are not singing in the same key, but that’s what email is for. God bless the internet.

I would love to know what things you and your husband have found helpful to you while he’s away. Even after fourteen years, it is still a learning curve for us — mainly because the military keeps changing the rules. And those pesky kids — why do they have to grow up and lose that short attention span?

I for one can cope quite well on my own when my husband is away, thank you very much. Except when I can’t. Those are the times when a few words of appreciation from him or a note of praise can go so far — they can even breach a thousand miles. Especially when it’s my birthday.

Blogaversary or is it Blogiversary?


Today is my 1 year blogaversary. I can hardly believe it! In some ways it seems like I have been blogging for years and in others I feel like I am still a newbie. So in celebration of this monumentous occasion (ha ha!) here are thirteen random blog tidbits about me.

  1. This is not my first blog. I had a blog almost three years ago during my husband’s deployment. It was very different from this blog as I used it mainly as a way to keep him updated on our family.
  2. My site didn’t always look so fun! In the beginning my site looked sort of like this…
  3. My first blog post was short and sweet. It went something like this

    After a year break, I have decided to blog again. I have left my old blog behind and am starting with a new look. I have nothing against my old blog, I am just ready for something different. My last blog was more of a diary. I hope for this blog to be less personal and more practical.

    Happy reading and thanks for stopping by.

  4. The Happy Housewife was not my first choice for a blog title. I can’t remember what my first choice was, but THH was probably choice #58…. In real life I am pretty grouchy :). Kidding….just kidding…
  5. My first real comment (that I could find) was from Barbara Lee. She was probably one of my first regular readers as well.
  6. I have written 696 posts (not counting this one). Can someone say “Get off the Computer!”
  7. Seriously though, what did I do before I started blogging? I don’t really remember, I still read, sew, cook, and homeschool so I am not quite sure what I gave up to make time for this…
  8. I have never received a nasty comment! Can you believe it, I can’t?
  9. I have received 6,206 nice, intelligent and thoughtful comments. My readers are the best!
  10. My most popular post, not sure… Boys and Books received the most comments.
  11. Since starting this blog I have been introduced to an entire new vocabulary; twitter, stumble, digg, delicious, Mr. Linky, memes, I could go on and on.
  12. In June I launched another blog, Happy to be at Home with two of my bloggy buddies, Kate and Joy. Contrary to popular belief we are not related to one another and we have never actually met!
  13. I really, really, really appreciate my readers. I know I don’t respond to every comment (I try!) but I do read every one. I have met so many other wonderful bloggers and nonbloggers this year and have learned so much from this experience. I wouldn’t blog if it wasn’t fun, so thanks for keeping it enjoyable!


For more Thursday Thirteen visit Happy to be at Home.

More Lice???

My sister-in-law called me this weekend to let me know they are now the “Louse House.” Regular readers might remember when we went through this same situation last November. While I whined and complained about it on this site, my ever so creative brother decided to make a video.

Warning: Lice are gross… don’t watch if you hate bugs….

Don’t forget to enter my Motivated Moms 2009 Planner Giveaway! Click here for details.

H & R Block Free Online Tax Program for Military

For the past several years Military One Source offers free tax consultations and free e-filing for active duty, Guard, Reserve and their family members. We have taken advantage of this deal for many years. To find out more go to the Military One Source website.

H & R Block is the company offering the free service via Military One Source, so if you filed through them last year they should still have all your information. You must go through Military One Source to get this deal, so don’t sign in to H & R Block until you have logged in to MOS.

If you are not familiar with Military One Source, I highly recommend this website. They are almost always the first ones to publish many of the military discounts and deals available to our servicemen and women.


Don’t forget to enter my Motivated Moms 2009 Planner Giveaway! Click here for details.


Kristi asked for an update on my husband, sorry it took me so long, things have been busy around here!

Many of you who read my blog know that my when I started writing this blog my husband was recovering from an injury that occurred during a deployment in 2006. It is difficult to explain his injury, but basically he suffered a bilateral infusion of his inner ears during a rapid decent on an aircraft.

The immediate results of this injury were severe ear pain, hearing loss, and headaches. This was a big deal, but because he was deployed he worked in spite of his injuries. Over time, and as his ears began to heal the real problems started. Apparently the injury caused his ears to “stop working.” Since the human body is so amazing his eyes compensated for his ears in areas such as balance, and perception. As he healed his eyes kept working overtime, even though his ears were doing their job again. The result of this was constant vertigo, balance issues, ear pain, tinnitus, and blurred vision. As time went on his ears got better and everything else got worse. It became so bad that he was unable to drive, read, and sometimes even stand up.

The doctors were baffled by his case for many months. Over time they tried many different medications as well as every test in the world to try and figure out what was wrong. The medications were very powerful and many of them left him unable to get out of bed.

We were finally referred up to Maryland to see the world’s expert in dizziness. He suggested some very simple things; ping pong, Tai Chi, badminton, and vestibular rehabilitation. The goal was to stimulate his brain to help everything work together again. To be honest we were a little skeptical at first, but we had nothing to lose. These activities with the combination of some more high powered drugs (that were supposed to reset his brain) actually worked.

Well, I should add there was a whole lot of prayer going on too. Last summer he started driving again. Thankfully we live very close to his work so he was able to ease back into driving. He was given a job in June (for the first time in over a year) and has no problem reading, driving, or doing normal activities.

To test his new dizzy free life he rode every roller coaster in the parks on our last vacation with no ill effects. He truly is better! I am thankful for everyone’s prayers, those who know us and those who do not. During this entire ordeal every doctor told us there was very little hope for him to fully recover. Thankfully my hope is not in doctors, although I do appreciate their hard work.

As for now we have resumed a normal life. I am not the only driver anymore, thank goodness, although we are preparing for our oldest to drive soon so more prayers will be needed! Our journey through this trial helped make us weaker – and more dependent on God. I thankful we were given this opportunity to show joy in all circumstances and keep our focus on Him.


For more Gratituesday visit Laura.

Hollywood Studios Coming Soon…..

I haven’t forgotten about our last theme park adventure. We returned tired and cold (how soon we get use to those beautiful Florida winters) and my husband is sick. I hope to get our Hollywood Studios adventure posted soon. It was truly an incredible day!

Sea World

Cloudy gray skies greeted us at Sea World on Monday morning. We used our usual technique of arriving early, but apparently Sea World doesn’t open its parking until 8:30 am. We were the second car in the park. This was a foreshadowing of the rest of the day.

My mother joined us and was able to purchase a year pass for the price of a single day ticket because she is a Florida resident. After we entered the park the big kids headed toward the Kraken and the rest of us visited the dolphin nursery. You couldn’t touch the dolphins but they were very close.

We also visited the sea lions and otters as well as the penguins. We met up with the big kids after they had ridden the Kraken, FIVE times. We watched the Sea Lion and Otter Show which is quite funny and entertaining.

We spent the rest of the day watching shows and visiting animals. My favorite show at Sea World is Horizons which combines dolphins, whales, birds, divers, and gymnasts. This is an amazing show that the whole family will enjoy.

As we walked around the park we were surprised at the emptiness of the park. We were actually seeing the same people two and three times throughout the park.
Empty Park

A great fun spot for kids at Sea World is Shamu’s Happy Harbor. This place has nets, slides, rides, characters, and water games for kids. We spent about two hours in the Happy Harbor, although my little kids could have spent all day there. We even convinced my mom to ride the Shamu roller coaster.

Grandma on the roller coaster.

Our two year old loved the carousel. She rode it four or five times.

We finished the day with Wild Arctic. This ride has two routes, one for little people and one for thrill seekers but both end up with a visit to polar bears, humpback whales, and an enormous walrus.

As we headed out of the park my big kids decided to ride the Kraken again, and again.

We had a great day at Sea World. I really like this park, it is beautiful and breezy.

Family Photo

I did find a few low points during our day. Dining- the food is overpriced in my opinion. A kid’s meal is about $8 compared to $5 at Disney. The dolphin exhibit is now pay per person to feed the dolphins… $7 a person. If you don’t feed the dolphins you really don’t get to see them up close. For years you were able to buy a tray of fish and feed the dolphins, not a per person price.
Aside from those two things I thought we had a great day. My advice would be to bring a lot of snacks and eat after you leave the park.
Flamingos on Parade

That funky green thing is actually a sea horse.

A great day!


Anheuser-Busch is once again offer free admission to military and up to three direct dependents in 2010 with their Hero’s Salute program. Thank you Anheuser-Busch!