Christmas Shopping for Kids

Every year I face the same dilemma, my kids (who are normally broke) want to buy Christmas presents for their siblings. My dilemma is two-fold, one I don’t like the idea of giving the kids money to purchase gifts, I think they should earn the money. Second, I hate extremely dislike standing in the dollar store with 5 kids trying to help them pick out Christmas gifts for each other.

This year I had an idea. For several years we had a points store at our home where the kids could pick out prizes based on completed school work, good behavior, etc… After mulling over my Christmas quandary, I thought, why not create a Christmas store? I sort through my gift stash and do a little extra shopping then create a “store” in my bedroom. The kids will all have the opportunity to visit the store a few days before Christmas and purchase gifts for one another.

The only problem that remained was the money, so I decided to create a Christmas job chart. Each child’s jobs are color coded with dollar amounts next to them. When they complete a job they are paid immediately with Christmas dollars. The dollars are put into a Merry Money jar and on December 23rd they can go shopping at Mom’s Christmas Store.

I am thrilled to see my kids trying to find more ways to earn money so they can buy more gifts for their siblings. I am also thrilled that many of my household projects are getting done thanks to my new commission system. For my little kids, their jobs are ones that they would normally not be paid for, collecting laundry, picking up, etc, because I had trouble finding big projects that they were capable of doing. But my big kids have tackled some lingering household projects. So far my dishwasher, fridge, stove and microwave have been cleaned out, my couch has been vacuumed, my coupons sorted, walls washed, laundry done, and plants watered. I don’t even have to ask them to do the jobs.

If you are interested in using this idea for your kids here are a few tips. Pay kids for jobs completed immediately. This is especially important for little kids who thrive on instant gratification. Use clear jars to store the money so the kids are able to see their earnings and are motivated to do more.  Make jobs age appropriate. There is no reason to give a 14 year old a dollar for unloading the dishwasher or ask a 3 year old to clean the stove. When stocking your “store” price items clearly. My little kids don’t understand the concept of money too well but they are able to count. Items in the “store” will all be priced at an even dollar amount. The child will be able to count out how many dollars they need to purchase an item. There is no tax and no change. (We can save that lesson for another time)


The Merry Money jars are filling up, my house is getting cleaner and I have avoided taking six kids Christmas shopping!

For more Works for Me Wednesday visit Rocks in My Dryer.

What a Mighty Good Man….

Today I had a little “let’s just send the kids to public school” meltdown. I think all of us are a bit overwhelmed, but with a vacation coming in January I am was determined to plow through until Christmas. My husband made the mistake (or maybe not) of coming home for lunch and received an earful from me as he tried to eat his chicken noodle soup. He made several helpful suggestions, which I quickly shot down because I knew they just wouldn’t work. He made the wise decision to return to work, and I got over my pity party and went about the rest of my day.

When he returned home from work this evening he informed me that I was now on vacation. I was a bit bewildered as my scheduled vacation was not until January. As I peppered him with questions and insisted that there was no way we could take a break from school he then informed me that he had taken the rest of the week off of work and he was taking over.

I have to admit I have a mighty hard time giving up the reins around here. I tend to clutch them like a girl on a runaway horse. But this time it only took a few minutes of convincing for me to agree to a little time off. He plans to homeschool the kids, make the meals and take care of the house while I do, WHATEVER I WANT TO DO! Did you read that???? I don’t think I have really had much of a vacation that didn’t involve giving birth so I am pretty excited about this. Of course my list of things I want to do is about a mile long, but I really want to spend this time recharging my very depleted battery. He actually wanted me to get a hotel room and not come home for 3 days but I told him I didn’t think I would be comfortable by myself in a hotel so I convinced him to let me stay at home :).

I am soooo thankful my husband is willing to sacrifice some vacation days and take over my jobs this week. What are you thankful for?

For more Gratituesday visit Laura.

You’re Invited!

progressive_dinner_08 A Bloggy Progressive Dinner - Youre Invited!

Exciting news, everyone…we’re having a party, and you’re all invited!  It’s a progressive dinner, blog-style.  Here’s how it works:

Please join us at our bloggy homes the week of December 15-19 as we celebrate the season. Stop by for some great holiday recipes. Mr. Linky will be all set up so you can share your own holiday recipes, party ideas and tips, and decorations if you feel so inclined. Link up each night if you’d like, and share a recipe that goes with the evening’s theme.  The more the merrier!  We hope you can make it!

See you next week!

Our Thanksgiving

I am thankful for the wonderful time we had during our Thanksgiving vacation. We were able to see lots of old friends, play games, eat too much, cut down our Christmas tree, and stay up way too late. My husband and son were able to hunt and my husband got his first buck. (no pictures, I understand not everyone is hip to the hunting photos) We were also given another deer from our former pastor. Our good friends help us process both deer and we came home with 50 pounds of meat.

We had an extremely eventful Thanksgiving dinner and I was trying to figure out a way to write it all down and share it with my readers. Thankfully I don’t have to, one of the ladies we shared Thanksgiving dinner with has already written her version of the story, and it is almost exactly like my version, except her version is much funnier. How she has time to write anything with 4 children 5 and under is a mystery to me! Anyway, if you want to read about our Thanksgiving adventure stop by Elizabeth’s blog for some good old West Virginia entertainment! Here is a preview….

Now, I have been told that borrowing a man’s gun is like borrowing his underwear; it isn’t something men like to do, but they’ll do it in extreme situations. Is this situation extreme enough? Apparently so because as Mr. Have-A-Gun-Haven’t-Had-A-Deer-Yet-Today gets his weapon, Mr. Gunless chooses to borrow the gun of Mr. Already-Shot-A-Deer becoming Mr. Underwear Man. Perhaps we’re witnessing something akin to women going to the bathroom together; it just can’t be done alone.

For more Gratituesday visit Laura’s blog.

Christmas Must-Haves

I thought it would be fun throughout the month of December to share some of my favorite Christmas “must-haves” with you all.
My first Christmas pick is a CD. My family loves music and I am always trying to find kid appropriate music that isn’t annoying to adults. A few years ago my sister-in-law sent us this CD and it has been a favorite ever since.

Go Fish Snow is a catchy upbeat Christmas album, that doesn’t dilute the true meaning of Christmas. I think the cd is about $10 and would be a great gift for your family.

Here is one of the songs off their Christmas album, enjoy!


note: I have not been compensated in any way for this post.