And the Winners are….

The winner of the Motivated Moms 2009 Planner is….

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-12-22 15:51:06 UTC

That would be Chelle! Chelle requested the full sized planner to help her keep track of her two kiddos, plus one on the way.

The winner of the Progressive Dinner Apron contest is…

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2008-12-22 16:01:55 UTC

Jawan is the winner of the apron!

Thanks to all who entered the contests! It seems many of you need to get organized and start wearing aprons so I plan to have more giveaways in the new year!

I’ll be emailing the winners soon!


What I am thankful for this week….

Usually I try to think of one specific thing I am thankful for each week for Gratituesday. This week there are so many I decided to list them all, well at least the ones I am thinking of right now.

  • My father’s heart procedure was a success.
  • Warmer weather for our cookie frosting party.
  • Good friends who care about us and always lend an ear to listen.
  • A loving church home.
  • A well stocked freezer.
  • Six wonderful kids.
  • A husband that survived a week of homeschooling on his own.
  • My great bloggy friends.
  • My sister’s upcoming visit.
  • A short commute for my husband.
  • Our upcoming vacation.
  • That my piano will be repaired soon.
  • Our newest happy baby arriving in April.

What are you thankful for this week?

Christmastime at the Happy House

Hi and welcome to our home!


We usually keep our outside decorations simple. (Translation- my husband doesn’t like to hang outside lights) This year we picked out a wreath from our friend’s greenhouse. It is beautiful.


I usually only decorate a few rooms in our house. I once had many decorations, but after many moves, my decorations are dwindling.


I am very excited that this year I have a hutch to display some of my breakable decorations. My favorites are the snow globes.


Someone else likes them too.


My oldest son loves Nutcrackers.


One new addition to our decor this year are fresh poinsettias. They are so gorgeous, I am not sure why I haven’t purchased these every year.


Since we don’t have a chimney I am always baffled as to where to hang the stockings.

Some of the kids love our Little People Christmas decorations. I love them because the kids cannot break them.


We also have some Playmobil decorations because we are equal opportunity around here.


Our piano is decorated with a some lighted village scenes which my kids love! I try to buy one every year after Christmas when they are on sale.


The Christmas tree sits in our living room and per the kids request can be seen out of two windows.


And yes, the tree is leaning.


We don’t put gifts under the tree until Christmas because we have a two-year old.
My favorite thing to do in December is grab a cup of hot chocolate, put on some Christmas music and sit by the tree before bed.


For more Christmas tours visit BooMama and for more Christmas decorations visit the Homeschool Post.

I Need Your Help

Next month we will be taking a family vacation. While I will have access to the internet, I do want the majority of my time to be spent doing vacation-y things. I also do not want to neglect the blog while I am gone. So, I thought I would ask for some help.

First, would anyone be interested in guest posting here at The Happy Housewife next month. The requirements are pretty basic, I am looking for posts about frugal living, kids, homeschooling, craft tutorials, cooking, healthy eating, recycling, or military life. The only other requirement would that it would need to be original, not something you have already written and published somewhere else. You do not need to have a blog to write an article you just need to be a good speller (or know how to use spell check like me!). If you would like to guest post just click on the “email me” button at the top of my sidebar and send me an email with your post idea.

Second, I thought it would be fun to do a little Q&A with my readers. I know that many of you leave questions in the comments section or email me and I try to respond, but I don’t always remember or the email gets lost in my inbox. So, if you have a question for me, leave it in the comments section of this post. I plan to write up some posts before I leave answering your questions. Feel free to ask any question on any topic from personal to practical and I will try to answer it. The only two items off limits are my weight and real hair color ;).