I Need Your Help

Next month we will be taking a family vacation. While I will have access to the internet, I do want the majority of my time to be spent doing vacation-y things. I also do not want to neglect the blog while I am gone. So, I thought I would ask for some help.

First, would anyone be interested in guest posting here at The Happy Housewife next month. The requirements are pretty basic, I am looking for posts about frugal living, kids, homeschooling, craft tutorials, cooking, healthy eating, recycling, or military life. The only other requirement would that it would need to be original, not something you have already written and published somewhere else. You do not need to have a blog to write an article you just need to be a good speller (or know how to use spell check like me!). If you would like to guest post just click on the “email me” button at the top of my sidebar and send me an email with your post idea.

Second, I thought it would be fun to do a little Q&A with my readers. I know that many of you leave questions in the comments section or email me and I try to respond, but I don’t always remember or the email gets lost in my inbox. So, if you have a question for me, leave it in the comments section of this post. I plan to write up some posts before I leave answering your questions. Feel free to ask any question on any topic from personal to practical and I will try to answer it. The only two items off limits are my weight and real hair color ;).